Wife Chopped Her Husband's Penis Off In China

By 10:04 PM

  • Fan Lung, 32, used his wife Feng's mobile to send saucy email to lover.
  • When she found out, she snipped off his manhood while he was sleeping.
  • Surgeons reattached it but Feng went into hospital and cut it off again.
  • Two-timer's penis was thrown from window and couldn't be found.
  • It's believed missing body part was taken by a stray cat or dog.

  • Never has the saying 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' been more fitting than when a jilted wife in China chopped off her cheating husband's penis... twice.
    When Feng Lung, 30, discovered her husband was having an affair she cut off his manhood with a pair of scissors, then snipped it off again after surgeons reattached it.
    She is now facing jail after being arrested for causing grievous bodily harm.

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